Research Frontier
does firm ownership affect spillover opportunities?evidence from chinese manufacturing

【摘要】The clustering of economic activity is believed to generate both positive own-industry(localization) spillovers and negative competitive pressures. Using data on manufacturing enterprisesoperating in China during 1998–2006, this paper provides evidence on the net effect of opposingspillovers from nearby economic activity. Central to the analysis is the opportunity to distinguish localmanufacturing enterprises by state, private, or foreign ownership. Systematic differences in averageproductivity of these firms enable inferences about differences in the strength of spillovers from onetype of firm to another type. Results indicate that spillovers are larger within thesameownershiptype than they are across them, consistent with localization economies that operate within segmentedchannels of influence.

【文献来源】Kamal F.Journal of Regional Science.2014(1)