【摘要】Anas’s impossibility theorem states that monopolistic competition or economies ofscale alone are insuf?cient to explain growth of cities in response to growing population ordecreasing trade costs (under constant urban costs); cities shrink. To enhance realism of assump-tions, instead of Anas’s normative approach, we study stable equilibria in the presence ofanother sector. Still, ‘vanishing’ remains robust! Ultimately, we argue that ‘vanishing’ mecha-nism looks realistic and can have an explanatory power: industries, free of externalities, shouldlocate in small towns. Moreover, the comparative statics shows how such ‘manufacturing’ townsgradually decline, whereas other cities do not.
【关键词】City size;urban hierarchies;agglomeration; trade
【文献来源】Maxim Goryunov; Sergey Kokovin.Papers in Regional Studies.2016(11)