Research Frontier
Can the periphery achieve core? The case of the automobile components industry in Spain

【摘要】The paper analyses changes experienced by Spain as a European peripheral region inthe automobile global value chain (GVC). Our attention is focused on both spatial concentrationof value-added and high-skill activities, and generation of technology in the componentsindustry. The analysis of plants set up (investments) and relocated (divestments) by multina-tionals (MNEs) between 2001 and 2010 shows that Spain is no longer a place for labour-intensive activities and standardized processes using simple technologies in comparison withother peripheral regions. However, the continuing majority presence of foreign-owned compa-nies is limiting decision power for generating and transferring technology, concentrating itmainly in the areas in which Spanish MNEs are specialized.

【关键词】Automobile Industry ; Automobiles -- Equipment and supplies ; Foreign corporations ; Automobile industry

【文献来源】Lampon, Jesus F. ; Lago-Penas, Santiago ; Cabanelas, Pablo.Papers in Regional Studies.2016(3)