【摘要】The aim of this paper is to provide basic stylized facts about the spatial patterns of location and co-location of clusters of creative industries in Europe. The research proposes anovel methodology for detailing the spatial delimitation of clusters, based on a geo-statisticalalgorithm and ?rm-based micro-data. The procedure is applied to a continuous space of 16European countries and 15 creative industries in 2009. The investigation reveals that creative?rms are highly clustered, and that clusters are concentrated in a ‘creative belt’ stretching fromthe South of England to the South-east of Germany. These clusters are predominantly metro-politan, heterogeneous, cross borders, and may co-locate to form assemblages.
【关键词】Creative industries;clusters;co-clustering;micro-data;geo-localization
【文献来源】Rafael Boix;Jose Luis Hervas-Oliver;Blanca De Miguel-Molina .Papers in Regional Studies.2015(4)