Research Frontier
Regional disparities and productivity in China: Evidence frommanufacturing micro data

【摘要】In this paper we first estimate firm-specific total factor productivities within 2-digit manufacturing industries using a semi-parametric algorithm and micro data for the period2000–2007. Next, to characterize regional disparities in China we compute aggregate produc-tivity by the categories of three regional typologies, based on population density, coastal-inland,and rural-urban criteria. We analyse the productivity differentials across the categories of thetypologies by decomposing regional productivity level and growth into productivity effect andindustry composition effect. We find clear evidence of regional convergence. Besides density ofeconomic activity, recent policy and structural factors seem to affect regional productivity leveland growth differentials.

【关键词】Productivity;regional disparities;inequality;convergence;China;micro data

【文献来源】Marian Rizov;Xufei Zhang.Papers in Regional Studies.2014(2)