【摘要】An innovation-diffusion model was developed with agent-based modelling (ABM);the model is used to study technical innovation and its diffusion process in China. The results areas follows: only a small fraction of firms conduct independent product-innovation, and most firms prefer imitation and/or purchases; most of the innovative firms are located in the East; approxi-mately three or four technology generation products can exist in the market simultaneously;preferential policies can speed the process of innovation diffusion and improve economies of lessdeveloped areas, especially in Middle China; lastly, preferential policies can also improve thelabour attractiveness of the Middle, West and Northeast and reduce emigration to the East.
【文献来源】Zheng Wang;Zixuan Yao;Gaoxiang Gu;Fei Hu;Xiaoye Dai .Papers in Regional Studies.2014(2)