Research Frontier
Distance, time since foreign entry, and productivity spilloversfrom foreign direct investment

【摘要】This paper investigates the effect of foreign direct investment on the productivity oflocal manufacturing ?rms in Romania. We decompose traditional country-wide spillover mea-sures in different components according to both proximity between foreign and domestic ?rmsand time-since-foreign-entry. We ?nd larger and faster spillover effects for local suppliers offoreign ?rms at shorter distance, driven mainly by recent foreign entrants. Irrespective ofdistance, foreign ?rms of medium maturity generate backward spillover effects that fade awaywith longer presence. A positive effect on local competitors is not signi?cantly affected bydistance, but requires the presence of mature foreign ?rms.


【文献来源】Bruno Merlevede; Victoria Purice.Papers in Regional Studies.2016(4)