Research Frontier
locational signaling and agglomeration

【摘要】Agglomeration can be caused by asymmetric information and a locational signalingeffect: The location choice of workers signals their productivity to potential employers. The cost of asignal is the cost of housing at that location. When workers’ marginal willingness to pay for housingis negatively correlated with their productivity, only the core-periphery (partially stratified) equilibriaare stable. When workers’ marginal willingness to pay for housing and their productivity are positivelycorrelated, there is no core-periphery equilibrium. The urban wage premium is explained when thereis a core-periphery equilibrium. Furthermore, location can at best be an approximate rather than aprecise sieve for high-skill workers.

【文献来源】Berliant M;Yu C M.Annals of regional Science.2015(5)