Research Frontier
Optimal allocation of area in hierarchical road networks

【摘要】This paper deals with the hierarchical road network design using a continuous model. The model is based on a grid road network where roads are classified into three types: access roads; minor arterial roads; and major arterial roads. Using a continuous approximation in which the distance is measured as the rectilinear distance; we obtain a simple approximation for the total travel time. We then find the optimal allocation of area taken up by roads at each level of the hierarchy so as to minimize the sum of the travel and construction costs. The result demonstrates how the total traffic volume; the traffic composition; and the unit construction cost affect the optimal road area. The optimal area of major arterial roads increases with the total traffic volume and the proportions of inward; outward; and through traffic and decreases with the unit construction cost. 

【文献来源】Miyagawa M. Annals of regional Science.2014(2)