Research Frontier
From 'Techniums' to 'emptiums': the failure of a flagship innovation policy in Wales

【摘要】This paper examines the use of European Union Structural Funds to support the development of innovation policy within Wales during the period 2000-06. Drawing on data from the Welsh government and interviews with key stakeholders, it focuses specifically on the Technium programme, a high-profile technology-based innovation intervention that took a predominantly supply-side approach to supporting innovation, resulting in its eventual failure. Consistent within this is an analysis of the efficacy of supply-side policies using European Union funds to support research and development activities to aid economic growth in peripheral, weaker regions.

【关键词】Regional innovation system; public policy; peripheral region

【文献来源】Pugh R.,MacKenzie N.G.,Jones-Evans D. From 'Techniums' to 'emptiums': the failure of a flagship innovation policy in Wales. Regional Studies, 2018, 52(7).