Research Frontier
Harris and Wilson (1978) model revisited: the spatial period-doubling cascade in an urban retail model

【摘要】Harris and Wilson (1978)'s retail location model is a pioneering work that utilizes the combination of the “fast” and “slow” dynamics to describe the space economy. This paper elucidates the model's previously unknown comparative static (bifurcation) properties in a many-location setting beyond two. We show that the spatial structure's evolutionary path in line with decreasing transport costs exhibits a remarkable property, namely, a “spatial period-doubling cascade.” Furthermore, we reveal strong linkages between the model and “new economic geography” models in terms of their model structures and bifurcation properties, offering a new theoretical perspective for understanding agglomeration behaviors in multilocation settings.

【文献来源】Minoru Osawa, Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama. Harris and Wilson (1978) model revisited: the spatial period-doubling cascade in an urban retail model. Journal of regional Science, 2017, 57(3).