Research Frontier
Tourism and regional growth in Europe

【摘要】The paper analyses the impact of domestic and international tourism on the eco-nomic growth process for 179 European regions. The econometric analysis is based on a spatialgrowth regression framework where the rate of GDP per capita growth at the regional level forthe period 1999–2009 depends on tourism flows, in addition to the traditional growth variables.Besides controlling for initial conditions, we also include a wide set of covariatesto account for the endowment of human and technological capital and for the geographical,social and institutional features of the regions. The results, confirmed by several robustnesschecks, demonstrate that regional growth is positively affected by domestic and international tourism.

【关键词】Regional economic growth;tourism flows;spatial dependence;Europe

【文献来源】Raffaele Paci;Emanuela Marrocu.Papers in Regional Studies.2014(4)