Research Frontier
Is spatial distribution of China’s population excessively unequal? A cross-country comparison

【摘要】This study explores whether China’s population distribution is excessively biased toward large cities or coastal regions. The test is based on a fixed effects model estimated from a 5-year panel dataset for 101 countries, and two spatial inequality measures are computed from 0.25∘×0.25∘

0.25∘×0.25∘ population grids for a parallel cross-country comparison. The results show that the spatial Gini coefficient for China does not deviate from a general trend, while Moran’s I index is biased upward. This suggests that the spatial inequality of China’s population distribution tends to be more obvious at the regional level than at the city level.

【文献来源】Kyung-Min Nam. Is spatial distribution of China’s population excessively unequal? A cross-country comparison. The Annals of Regional Science. 2017(59):2