Research Frontier
The neglected heterogeneity of spatial agglomeration and co-location patterns of creative employment:evidence from Portugal

【摘要】Empirical literature on the geographical location of creative activities has been traditionally based on the spatial analysis of industries; often disregarding the creative employment that lies outside the necessarily limited boundaries of creativeindustries. As an extension to the most recent methodologies using industry andoccupational data on industrial cluster analysis; this paper analyses agglomerationand co-location patterns of core creative activities; considering both ‘embedded’(creative professionals working outside the creative sectors) and ‘specialized’ (creative professionals working in the creative sectors) creative employment. Using location quotients and principal component factor and cluster analyses; applied to all308 Portuguese municipalities; we found that the geographical agglomeration and co-location patterns of core creative groups differ substantially. The typical argumentssustained by the literature—the tendency of creative industries/employment toagglomerate and co-locate in large metropolises—are only supported in the case ofknowledge-intensive activities subjected to Intellectual Property Rights; most notably‘Advertising/Marketing’; ‘Publishing’; ‘TV/Radio’; and ‘Software/Digital Media’;densely concentrated and co-located in highly developed; large urban centres; with high levels of human capital. These arguments do not hold for the traditional creativeactivities of ‘Architecture’; ‘Design/Visual Arts’ and ‘Crafts’; which; althoughco-located; appear mostly dispersed with small concentrations around intermediateurban centres. ‘Teaching/training/research’ present quite dispersed geographical patterns with some clusterization around municipalities with tertiary education institutions.‘Film/video/photography’ and ‘Music/Performing Arts’ show some dispersionthroughout the Portuguese territory with concentration around small urban centres andin rural areas. It is evident that; from agglomeration to co-location patterns; creativeemployment reveals heterogeneous characteristics across creative groups.

【文献来源】Cruz S S;Teixeira A A C.Annals of regional Science.2015(1)