【摘要】We conceptually and empirically analyze how local labor market weakness impacts the usage of public employment agencies (PEAs) between Blacks and Whites in the USA. Employing restricted-use data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth; our empirical results indicate that Blacks have higher PEA-usage rates than Whites; likely caused by their higher unemployment rates. However; Whites in regions with relatively weak professional networks tended to tap into PEAs more than otherwise similar Blacks; reducing the Black–White differential in PEA usage. These findings fit with the conceptual prediction that Whites endure a disproportionate negative impact when tighter labor markets (and thus fewer referrals) exist. They also raise the question about whether current anti-labor-market discrimination policies account for potential job-referral differentials between Black and Whites. To the extent that employers favor employee recommendations from members of a particular racial/ethnic group; then perhaps policy targeting discrimination in the workplace should consider how job openings are initially advertised and subsequently filled.
【文献来源】Mora M T;Davila A;Boudreau J.Annals of regional Science.2016(2)