【摘要】We investigate Zipf’s Law on the size distribution and Gibrat’s Law on the growth ofsub-national populations in China, India and Brazil. We reject Zipf’s Law for India, but not for China and Brazil; a log normal distribution also fits Brazil well, but not China and India.Gibrat’s Law holds for Brazil; that is, lagged population is the best predictor of currentpopulation in Brazil. In China, market potential is an important predictor of population growth,while in India both crop area and market potential are important. Our results show that there isa diversity of experiences across countries, and we speculate that this diversity maybe caused bydifferences in the characteristics of the three countries.
【关键词】 Zipf’s Law;Gibrat’s Law;state populations;dynamic panel data models
【文献来源】Kwok Tong Soo .Papers in Regional Studies.2014(1)