Research Frontier
Recent immigrants as labor market arbitrageurs: Evidence from the minimum wage

【摘要】This paper investigates the local labor supply effects of changes to the minimum wage by examining the response of low-skilled immigrants’ location decisions. Canonical models emphasize the importance of labor mobility when evaluating the employment effects of the minimum wage; yet few studies address this outcome directly. Low-skilled immigrant populations shift toward labor markets with stagnant minimum wages, and this result is robust to a number of alternative interpretations. This mobility provides behavior-based evidence in favor of a non-trivial negative employment effect of the minimum wage. Further, it reduces the estimated demand elasticity using teens; employment losses among native teens are substantially larger in states that have historically attracted few immigrant residents.

【关键词】Minimum wage; Immigration; Labor mobility; Spatial equilibrium

【文献来源】Cadena B C.?.Journal of Urban Economics.2014