Research Frontier
School enrolment of first- and second-generation immigrant students in Italy: A geographical analysis

【摘要】This paper analyses non-compulsory secondary school enrolment of immigrantstudents in Italy. Such enrolment implies a voluntary decision and can influence future careerpaths in the labour market. The results show that the enrolment rates of immigrants are lower thanthose of Italians. Immigrant students prefer vocational schools and shorter-term education. Thepattern of these preferences remains constant across the throughout Italy, even if Italy presentsstrong differences in the economic development of its regions, with rich Northern and poorSouthern regions. The enrolment rates of second-generation immigrant students differ from thoseof first-generation students, but the size of this component is still too small to indicate a clear trend.

【关键词】First-generation immigrants;second-generation immigrants;educational territorial pattern;schooling determinants;seemingly unrelated regressions

【文献来源】Paola Bertolini; Michele Lalla; Francesco Pagliacci.Papers in Regional Studies.2015(1)