Research Frontier
Merit-based college tuition assistance and the conditionalprobability of in-state work

【摘要】This paper examines how merit-based tuition assistance policies implemented by agrowing number of states affect one important dimension of college graduate behaviour: theconditional probability of working in the state. Using a restricted-use administrative dataset forWest Virginia, we find that, conditional on in-state enrolment and graduation, graduates thatreceived merit aid are less likely than similar non-recipient graduates to work at establishmentsin the state. These results suggest that the positive influences of merit aid in West Virginia onhuman capital accumulation stemming from increased in-state college enrolment and graduationare dampened by the locational decisions of the recipients after graduation.

【关键词】Human capital;education;merit aid;tuition assistance;employment

【文献来源】J. Sebastian Leguizamon;George W. Hammond.Papers in Regional Studies.2015(1)