【摘要】In this paper; we employ behaviour-driven cellular automata as a simplified agent-based modelling approach to test the seminal Coase theorem; with a policy focus on the land value betterment effect of urban infrastructure provision.Four prototypical development regimes are identified from international practice: (1)the private developer-oriented Metroland model dating back to the suburbanisation of London in the nineteenth century England; (2) the private household-led special district model; which can be observed in many contemporary US suburbs; (3) the public planning-regulated model; as featured in most post-war European welfare state countries;including the present-day UK; (4) the public state-as-developer model; which characterises what has been taking place in China. A repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) based on the results of a large number of cellular automata simulations suggests no significant difference between models I and II in terms of their welfare outcomes measured by aggregate utility. However; models III and IV are both found to generate significantly less welfare than models I and II; under strict assumptions of zero transaction costs; perfect information; perfect capital markets and perfect competition.
【文献来源】Wang Y;Baddeley M.Annals of regional Science.2016(2)