Research Frontier
house price impacts of racial, income, education, and age neighborhood segregation

【摘要】We study housing prices and neighborhood segregation. We advance the literature by(1) studying not just racial segregation like previous studies, but also segregation by age, income, andeducation level, (2) using a finer unit of geography to construct segregation measures, (3) incorporatingspatial statistics, and (4) separating segregation effects from underlying population level effects. Wefind race segregation is positively related to house prices, with an elasticity of 0.19. In contrast, incomeand educational segregation reduce housing values, with elasticities of ?0.23 and ?0.21. By comparison,house age has an elasticity of ?0.15. Age segregation is not generally capitalized.

【文献来源】Brasington D M;Hite D;Jauregui A.Journal of Regional Science.2015(3)