Research Frontier
Examining homelessness in Germany: The impact of regionalhousing market conditions on homelessness in NorthRhine-Westphalia, Germany

【摘要】This paper proposes a simple model of the housing market and homelessness bytaking into consideration both ?at size and quality. A critical income ensuring positive housingconsumption can be determined. The empirical analysis of districts in North Rhine-Westphaliasuggests that conditions on the housing market, income levels and several variables depicting adistrict’s social environment are important drivers of homelessness: high rents and relatively fewvacant small ?ats lead to an increase in homelessness. The condition of vacant ?ats signi?cantly affects homelessness levels too. Homelessness also increases when the share of those with avery low income is higher, since this makes it more dif?cult to reach the critical income.

【文献来源】Alexandra Kroll;Oliver Farhauer.Papers in Regional Studies.2016(1)