Research Frontier
Location theory and transportation costs

【摘要】 In this paper, we consider the problem of locating one firm within a transportation network. For this problem, the main known result, called the Hakimi theorem, states that an optimal location of the firm is either a market or a node of the network. Our purpose is to extend this result in two directions. First, when several transportation modes exist, we show that the junction points between different modes can also be optimal locations. Second, we study the role of the fixed transportation costs. We prove that markets are local optimal locations when such costs exist, and that a market is the only optimal solution under specific assumptions about the size of the fixed costs. Simulation is used to illustrate the relevance of the approach.

【文献来源】François Louveaux, Jacques-François Thisse, Hubert Beguin. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1982, 12(4):529-545.