Research Frontier
Firm entry in the Swedish wholesale trade sector: Does market definition matter?

【摘要】Firm entry into local markets has often been studied using administrative areas such as municipalities as the assumed relevant markets. However; administrative areas and the actual relevant markets based on local demand for firms' products often do not coincide; which could bias the results of studies treating administrative areas as the relevant markets. Based on a behavioral assumption regarding how retailers act when purchasing products from wholesale trade firms; we create alternative markets using Voronoi diagrams. We then compare the empirical results of investigating the determinants of firm entry using municipalities as the relevant markets with the results obtained using Voronoi markets. The results indicate that; in both cases; the same variables are statistically significant in affecting entry; though the estimated effects differ in size. 

【文献来源】Brandt D;Macuchova Z;Rudholm N.Annals of regional Science.2014(3)