Research Frontier
Quality, distance and trade: A strategic approach

【摘要】This paper contributes to the literature on distance and quality by identifying a?rm-based force contributing to explain the observed increase of the quality of shipped goodswith the distance of their destination market. This force originates from the in?uence of distanceon ?rms’ strategic behaviour in the presence of consumer heterogeneity, when the quality levelof goods is a choice variable for them. Our approach differs from the extant literature becauseit does not rely on technology or preference/income differentials to identify the determinantsand drivers of trade ?ows. We ?nd that distance has an unambiguously positive effect on theaverage quality of traded goods. Our results contribute to the analysis of the determinants of?rms’ trade performance.

【关键词】Product quality ; distance ; strategic interaction

【文献来源】Emanuele Bacchiega1; Antonio Minniti; Arsen Palestini.Papers in Regional Studies.2016(1)