【摘要】This paper extends recent developments in regional growth modeling that use spatialregime switching functions to a count regression model of firm location events. The smooth parametercount model (SPCM) allows for a parsimonious parameterization of locally varying coefficients whilesimultaneously attending to excess-zero count events. An empirical application examines natural gasestablishment growth between 2005 and 2010. The smooth parameter model appears to outperforma standard zero-inflated count model. The SPCM may be extended to the location analysis of otherindustries with the identification of transition variables related to the supply or demand oriented coststructure of the sector.
【文献来源】Brown J P,Lambert D M. Extending a Smooth Parameter Model to Firm Location Analyses: the Case of Natural Gas Establishments in the United States. Journal of Regional Science, 2016, 56(5).