Research Frontier
Dots to dots: a general methodology to build local indicators using spatial micro-data

【摘要】Empirical studies in regional science have so far largely relied on discrete conceptualizations of space and aggregated metrics; which do not take into consideration spatial heterogeneity and variability at the micro-level. This paper explores the use of these indicators when dealing with observations at the subregional level; based on micro-data sets that impose the conceptualization of spatial interactions in a continuous and multidirectional space. We propose a general methodology to build local indicators for spatial micro-data sets. Based on distance matrix and matrix calculations; some classical indices of specialization and diversity are extended to their local counterparts to explore the full spatial heterogeneity and variability of space. The methodology is applied to 9;839 establishments covering all economic sectors in the Lower St-Lawrence region (Quebec; Canada). We find that the distribution of the local indicator varies significantly with distance; which suggests that the effects of specialization or diversity are not constant over space. Treating space as continuous may become of prime importance; given that more individual data sets are now available; combined with the fact that the performance of microcomputers is still improving.

【文献来源】Dube J;Brunelle C.Annals of regional Science.2014(1)