【摘要】Recently; Ord and Getis (Ann Reg Sci 48:529-539; ) developed a local statistic $$H_i$$ ; called local spatial heteroscedasticity statistic; to identify boundaries of clusters and to describe the nature of heteroscedasticity within clusters. Furthermore; in order to implement the hypothesis testing; Ord and Getis suggested a chi-square approximation method to approximate the null distribution of $$H_i$$ ; but they said that the validity of the chi-square approximation remains to be investigated and some other approximation methods are still worthy of being developed. Motivated by this suggestion; we propose in this paper a bootstrap procedure to approximate the null distribution of $$H_i$$ and conduct some simulation to empirically assess the validity of the bootstrap and chi-square methods. The results demonstrate that the bootstrap method can provide a more accurate approximation than the chi-square method at the cost of more computation time. Moreover; the power of $$H_i$$ in identifying boundaries of clusters is empirically examined using the proposed bootstrap method to compute $$p$$ values of the tests; and the multiple comparison issue is also discussed.
【文献来源】Xu M;Mei C L;Yan N.Annals of regional Science.2014(3)