Research Frontier
Digital urban network connectivity: Global and Chineseinternet patterns

【摘要】Cities are not only connected through conventional infrastructure, but also throughdigital infrastructure. This paper tests whether digital connectivity patterns follow traditional ones. Using a generalized spatial interaction model, this paper shows that geography (anddistance) still matters for an extensive set of world cities. With a view to the rapidly risingurbanization, the attention is next focused on the emerging large cities in China to test therelevance of distance frictions ? next to a broad set of other important explanatory variables ?for digital connectivity. Various interesting results are found regarding digital connectivitywithin the Chinese urban system, while also here geography appears to play an important role.

【关键词】Digital networks;Internet connectivity;world cities;death of distance;gravitymodel

【文献来源】Emmanouil Tranos;Karima Kourtit;Peter Nijkamp.Papers in Regional Studies.2014(2)