Research Frontier
The impact of government funding of poverty reduction programmes

【摘要】This research evaluates the impacts on poverty rates of government funds for edu-cation, health and hospitals, and public welfare allocated to poverty reduction for counties withpersistently high poverty in the Southern United States. Our analysis found that increases ineducation funding in a poverty hot-spot county reduce the poverty rates of that county and itsneighbouring hot-spot counties. We also found that higher health and hospital funding in ahot-spot county is associated with higher poverty rates in neighbouring hot-spot counties andthat public welfare funding is not effective in mitigating poverty either within or outside ofpoverty hot-spots.

【关键词】Government funding; spatial panel;  poverty;  southern United States

【文献来源】Suhyun Jung; Seong-Hoon Cho; Roland K. Roberts.Papers in Regional Studies.2015(3)