【摘要】This paper explores the impacts of home appliances going to the countryside(HAGC) in a spatial general equilibrium model. Main findings include the following: (i)if the manufactured goods are highly differentiated, HAGC reduces the urban-rural real income gapand improves the social welfare; (ii) if there exists rural-urban migration, the change in thesocial welfare due to HAGC will experience a U-shaped curve as transportation cost decreases;and (iii) when the manufactured goods are highly differentiated, or fairly standardized undereither very high or low transportation cost, price subsidy should be expanded to all manufac-tured goods. Otherwise, the optimal policy is laissez-faire.
【关键词】Price subsidy;migration;spatial general equilibrium
【文献来源】Xiwei Zhu.Papers in Regional Studies.2014(2)