【摘要】This paper seeks to better understand the significance of spatial context conditionsand personal attributes for early-stage entrepreneurship. We combine individual with regional and national level data using multilevel analysis to test our hypotheses. We differentiate between two phases in the entrepreneurial process as well as between general and ambitious entrepreneurship.First, we show that both the national and the regional context significantly impact individual entrepreneurial activities. Second, individual level characteristics exert the greatest overall influence, but the direction of this influence is not stable. Third, the impact of the three levels varies across the different phases in the entrepreneurial process as well as between different types of start-ups. Fourth, we demonstrate that cross-level interactions between individual characteristics and spatial context factors are important in explaining entrepreneurial activities.
【关键词】Regional entrepreneurship;multilevel analysis;Global Entrepreneurship Monitor(GEM);structuration theory;context factors
【文献来源】Christian Hundt;Rolf Sternberg .Papers in Regional Studies.2016(2)