【摘要】In the literature, the range of market sizes (spacings between ?rms) consistent withfree-entry equilibrium, in various models of spatial competition, extends from the zero-pro?tmarket size, up to the market size for which ‘sophisticated entry’ halfway between two existing?rms, by an entrant that correctly foresees post-entry prices, is marginally deterred. I argue thatthe upper limit might be the (signi?cantly smaller) market size for which ‘merger-forcing entry’by an entrant right next to an existing ?rm, causing severe price competition and inducing ahorizontal merger between the entrant and the existing ?rm, is marginally deterred.
【关键词】Market entry ; Business enterprises -- Size ; Consolidation & merger of corporations ; Equilibrium (Economics) ; Competition (Economics)
【文献来源】Braid, Ralph M.Papers in Regional Studies.2016(3)