【摘要】This paper studies regional impact of three mature public surface transportation infrastructures in the Northeast corridor of the US: highway, public railway and public transit.Infrastructure stock is valued in real terms from 1991 to 2009. A spatial panel approach with?xed effects is adopted to test the hypothesis of spillovers by allowing for spatial dependence.The result shows that public surface transportation infrastructure in general does have a signi?-cant impact on regional output, most of which is from spillover effect; highways have anoverwhelming in?uence through both local effects and spillover effects. The impacts frompublic railway and public transit are not signi?cant, but transit does show a positive though smallspillover effect.
【关键词】Regional impact;public surface transportation;spatial econometrics;Northeast corridor
【文献来源】Zhenhua Chen;Kingsley E. Haynes.Papers in Regional Studies.2015(4)