【摘要】This paper estimates the impact of industrial agglomeration on ?rm-level productiv-ity in Chinese manufacturing sectors. To account for spatial autocorrelation across regions, weformulate a hierarchical spatial model and use a Bayesian instrumental-variable approach. We?nd that agglomeration of the same industry (i.e., localization) has a productivity-boostingeffect, but agglomeration of urban population (i.e., urbanization) has no such effect. In addition,the localization effect increases with the educational levels of employees and the share ofintermediate inputs in gross output. These results may suggest that agglomeration externali-ties occur through knowledge spillovers and input sharing among ?rms producing similarmanufactures.
【关键词】Agglomeration economies;spatial autocorrelation;Bayes;Chinese firm-level data;GIS
【文献来源】Yoshihiro Hashiguchi;Kiyoyasu Tanaka.Papers in Regional Studies.2015(1)