【摘要】Recently, Duranton and Turner estimated the impact of interstate highways on theaverage growth of US cities between 1983 and 2003. By estimating a structural model, one oftheir striking points is that increasing a city’s initial stock of highways by 10 per cent leads toa 1.5 per cent positive respond of the city’s employment over the sample period. This notemainly argues that their investigation leaves out potential spillovers of labour input fromneighbouring growth centres/cities in the steady-state directly implied by the open city assump-tion. More speci?cally, this contribution readily extends Duranton and Turner’s work by ageneral equilibrium effect induced by the urban system’s labour market ?uctuations which is adirect consequence of the open city assumption.
【关键词】Urban growth;transportation;instrumental variables;spatial econometrics;labourmarket
【文献来源】Torben Klarl.Papers in Regional Studies.2015(3)